Samsung Maxima 90GL QD Zoom Date 35mm Camera

Samsung Maxima 90GL QD Zoom Date 35mm Camera

Brand : Samsung
Manufacture : Samsung
Label : Samsung
Publisher : Samsung
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_FILM
Studio : Samsung
EAN : 0044701990901

Product Spesifications

  • Compact high-speed camera
  • Active infrared autofocusing
  • 38-90mm zoom lens
  • Fuzzy zoom focusing
  • Switchable portrait/landscape modes

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Product Description

The sporty Samsung Maxima Zoom 90GL QD has an active infrared autofocusing 38-90mm zoom lens, and features fuzzy zoom for ultrasharp pictures, sharpening that oh-so-slight fuzziness commonly seen in photos. Other feature highlights include portrait mode, step zoom, continuous shooting, interval shooting, bulb shooting, snap mode, switchable portrait/landscape modes, and a self-timer. The automatic flash has red-eye reduction, fill-in flash, and flash-off modes. If the camera is left on, it will automatically power off. You can also quartz date imprint your photos to keep track of your memories.