Diana Mini & Flash - Leopard

Diana Mini & Flash - Leopard
Brand : Lomography
Manufacture : Lomography
Label : Lomography
Publisher : Lomography
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_FILM
Studio : Lomography
EAN : 0839228005937

Product Spesifications

  • Uses all kinds of 35mm film (Color Negative, Color Slide, Black & White, Redscale)
  • Shoots two formats: Half-Frame (up to 72 shots per roll) or Square
  • Multiple exposure and long exposure capabilities
  • Tripod thread and cable release thread
  • Includes Diana F+ Flash with colored gel filters for Colorsplashing!

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Product Description

Fall in love with Diana Mini Leopard, Lomography's petite plastic princess. Packing fantastic features in such a tiny package, this versatile camera is perfect to take when you're on the prowl.