Olympus Newpic M10 Macro APS Film Camera

Olympus Newpic M10 Macro APS Film Camera
Brand : Olympus
Manufacture : Olympus
Label : Olympus
Publisher : Olympus
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_FILM
Studio : Olympus
EAN : 0050332125438

Product Spesifications

  • Quartz date and time recording
  • Electronic self-timer gives you 10 full seconds to get in the picture
  • Automatic focus, film advance and rewind
  • Uses APS (Advanced Photo System) film
  • Multi-function flash with redeye reduction

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Product Description

With a precise lens and two major macro modes, the Newpic M10 Macro Advanced Photo System camera delivers macrophotography of stunning clarity and sharpness. Designed to fit active lifestyles, this compact, lightweight camera can travel anywhere. The 25mm f6.7 lens delivers precise images. The camera features two major macro modes (0.3-1 foot Ultra Macro, 1-3.3 foot Super Macro).