Pentax IQZoom 120SW 35mm Camera

Pentax IQZoom 120SW 35mm Camera

Brand : Pentax
Manufacture : Pentax
Label : Pentax
Publisher : Pentax
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_FILM
Studio : Pentax
EAN : 0027075051096

Product Spesifications

  • Pentax power zoom 28mm - 120mm F5.6 - F12.8 lens with 6 elements in 5 groups
  • Programmed auto exposure control with multi metering
  • Automatic film loading with first-frame positioning
  • 10-second delay electronic self-timer
  • Five-mode switchable: "Year-Month-Day", "Month-Day-Year", "Day-Month-Year", "Day-Hour-Minute" and blank

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