Bronica ETRSi Body

Bronica ETRSi Body

Brand : Bronica
Manufacture : Bronica
Label : Bronica
Publisher : Bronica
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_FILM
Studio : Bronica
EAN : 0725211220152

Product Spesifications

  • Professional grade film camera.
  • Used 120/220 film with appropriate back.
  • 15 exposures on 120 film

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Product Description

6cm x 4.5cm format. 15 exp/120 film, 30 exp/220 film.
Multi format capability. Interchangeable lenses, finders, film backs
(except ETRC) and focusing screens. Use electronically controlled
leaf shutter lenses with flash sync at any speed. Nearly full
component interchangability up and down the line. (exceptions noted).
Multi-exposure control, mirror lock-up, DOF preview. Various
metering modes available based on prism used. Other accessories
include tele-converters, Speed Grip E, Pro Lens Hood E, Extension
Tubes and Automatic Bellows Attachment E.
+ ETRSi: 1988. (1-PX28)
Similar to previous models except addition of: mirror
lock-up, TTL flash circuitry, and SCA compatibility. Meter activated
by pressing shutter release. B & T settings. Multi-exposure
confirmation in finder. Uses all ETRS backs. Interior coating makes
it quieter. Auto film advance w/optional motor winder Ei.