Tune Dog TD-1 Transmitter & Receiver for iPods,Computers and MP3 Players

Tune Dog TD-1 Transmitter & Receiver for iPods,Computers and MP3 Players
Brand : PowerLinx
Manufacture : PowerLinx Inc.
Label : PowerLinx Inc.
Publisher : PowerLinx Inc.
Product Group : Receiver or Amplifier
Product Type Name : AUDIO_OR_VIDEO
Studio : PowerLinx Inc.
EAN : 0816967000201

Product Spesifications

  • Plays music from any source-Ipod, MP3, Stereo, Docking Station, or Computer.
  • TuneDog connects to their speakers or ours.
  • No installation needed. Sounds signals are transmitted over the electric wiring in the walls.
  • Features a unique powerline technology from PowerLinx for clarity no one can beat.
  • This item will add interest and drive sales for your entire portable media player category, like speakers and MP3s.

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Product Description

Tune Dog Transmitter & Receiver for iPods, Computers and mp3 players