Minolta XG-7 35mm Camera

Minolta XG-7 35mm Camera

Brand : Minolta
Color : Black/Silver
Manufacture : Minolta
Label : Minolta
Publisher : Minolta
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_DIGITAL
Studio : Minolta
EAN : 0125666998871

Product Spesifications

  • Minolta MD 50mm F1.7 Lens with 55mm POL HOYA FILTER HANIMEX 28mm F2.8 LENS
  • It is clear and clean inside when look thru the viewfinder.

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Product Description

The XG-E (XG 7 in USA and Canada, XG 2 in Europe and elsewhere) was the first model of this series to be introduced in 1977. All models were available in chrome and black finish.