MINOLTA Riva 70 Zoom 35mm Camera Kit

MINOLTA Riva 70 Zoom 35mm Camera Kit

Brand : Minolta
Manufacture : Konica Minolta Holdings
Label : Konica Minolta Holdings
Publisher : Konica Minolta Holdings
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_FILM
Studio : Konica Minolta Holdings
EAN : 0043325600074

Product Spesifications

  • AutoFocus
  • Programmed AutoExposure with Center-weight metering
  • Automatic setting of DX-coded film ISO 25 to 3200 in 1 EV increments
  • Film Transport - Automatic advance to first frame, auto rewind, auto threading, manual start of rewind possible, continuous drive - 1.5sec. / frame (without flash)
  • Multi-mode electronic-flash

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