Minolta XR-T 100 SLR Manual camera body and lens

Minolta XR-T 100 SLR Manual camera body and lens

Brand : Minolta
Manufacture : Minolta
Label : Minolta
Publisher : Minolta
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_FILM
Studio : Minolta
EAN : 0000036369676

Product Spesifications

  • Single lens reflex camera with through-the-lens CLC (Contrast Light Compensator) meter coupled to shutter and film speed.
  • Meter sensitivity EV 3 to EV 17 at ASA 100.
  • Fully mechanical cloth focal plane shutter with speeds from 1-1/500 sec plus B
  • Shutter speeds 1-1/60 sec with electronic flash
  • Flash synchronisation (X and FP)

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Product Description

The major specifications of the camera were as follows:

Single lens reflex camera with through-the-lens CLC (Contrast Light Compensator) meter coupled to shutter and film speed.
Meter sensitivity EV 3 to EV 17 at ASA 100.
Film speeds supported ASA 6-6400
Fully mechanical cloth focal plane shutter with speeds from 1-1/500 sec plus B
Shutter speeds 1-1/60 sec with electronic flash
Oversized quick return mirror for no image cut-off even with supertelephoto lenses
Flash synchronisation (X and FP)
Fine microprism focusing with Fresnel lens
Automatic reset film counter
Accessory shoe (cold)
Depth of field preview button

The camera had a top speed of 1/500 sec , it had no mirror lock up and no self timer.