Minolta SR-T 102 / SR-T Super / SR-T 303 SLR camera body and lens

Minolta SR-T 102 / SR-T Super / SR-T 303 SLR camera body and lens

Brand : Minolta
Manufacture : Minolta
Label : Minolta
Publisher : Minolta
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_FILM
Studio : Minolta
EAN : 0000021419416

Product Spesifications

  • Single lens reflex camera with through-the-lens CLC (Contrast Light Compensator) meter coupled to shutter and film speed.
  • Mat-Fresnel-field focusing screen with split-image spot surrounded by microprism band
  • Mirror lock-up (on most examples)
  • Flash synchronisation (X and FP)
  • Oversized quick return mirror for no image cut-off even with supertelephoto lenses

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Product Description

In March 1973 Minolta released a new flagship model camera, replacing the SR-T101, which while still in production, was relegated to a secondary position. The new camera was the SR-T 102. At this stage Minolta also commenced its practice of naming cameras differently in different markets, which it carries on to this day. In this respect, the SR-T102 was named the SR-T 303 in Europe, and the SR-T Super in Asia-Pacific.

Changes to the SRT101 are small, but significant to the advanced amateur photographer. Firstly, the camera included a full information viewfinder, whereby the lens aperture and selected shutter speed are shown in the viewfinder display. Secondly, a split image rangefinder was added to the focusing screen as a new focusing aid. A multiple-exposure capability was also added through the use of the film release button. While this could be done on the other models, it was unpredictable and the photographer needed to hold the film rewind knob to ensure that the film was not advanced partially during the process. This was no longer a problem with the new model. Finally, the cold flash shoe was replaced by a hotshoe, eliminating the need for use of a sync cord when using electronic flash.

These changes, although relatively minor, make the SR-T 102 probably the most attractive of all of the SR-T models to photographers today.

The major specifications of the camera were as follows:

Meter sensitivity EV 3 to EV 17 at ASA 100.
Film speeds supported ASA 6-6400
Fully mechanical cloth focal plane shutter with speeds from 1-1/1000 sec plus B
Shutter speeds 1-1/60 sec with electronic flash

Exposure control needle, selected shutter speed and aperture visible in viewfinder

Automatic reset film counter
Accessory hotshoe
Self timer
Depth of field preview button