Minolta Maxxum 3000i slr camera body with Minolta flash

Minolta Maxxum 3000i slr camera body with Minolta flash

Brand : Minolta
Manufacture : Minolta
Label : Minolta
Publisher : Minolta
Product Group : Photography
Product Type Name : CAMERA_FILM
Studio : Minolta
EAN : 0000420207065

Product Spesifications

  • TTL

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Product Description

Capture the world around in photographs with the Konica Minolta Maxxum. Equipped with an auto focus mechanism, this Konica Minolta 3000i SLR makes photography effortless. With the manual focus mechanism, the Konica Minolta 35mm film camera lets you modulate the focusing of the camera for more control over your photography. This Konica Minolta Maxxum 3000i SLR gives audible alert tones for using the self timer, loading of films and more. The Konica Minolta 35mm film camera sets the exposure automatically and lets you have hassle free photography sessions. The easy to use Konica Minolta Maxxum makes photography fun.